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Settings Values

A Settings Value is the value an authenticated user has chosen for a specific setting, defined in a settings bundle.

Identifying settings values

A settings value is uniquely identified by four attributes. Three of them are coming from the definition of the setting within it’s settings bundle (see Settings Bundles for an example). The fourth identifies the user.

  • extension: Key of the extension that registered the settings bundle,
  • bundleKey: Key of the settings bundle,
  • settingKey: Key of the setting as defined within the bundle,
  • accountUuid: The UUID of the authenticated user who has saved the setting.
When requests are going through ocis-proxy, the accountUuid attribute can be set to the static keyword me instead of using a real UUID. ocis-proxy will take care of minting the UUID of the authenticated user into a JWT, providing it in the HTTP header as x-access-token. That UUID is then used in this service, to replace me with the actual UUID of the authenticated user.

Example of stored settings values

  "values": {
    "language": {
      "identifier": {
        "extension": "ocis-accounts",
        "bundleKey": "profile",
        "settingKey": "language",
        "accountUuid": "5681371f-4a6e-43bc-8bb5-9c9237fa9c58"
      "listValue": {
        "values": [
            "stringValue": "de"
    "timezone": {
      "identifier": {
        "extension": "ocis-accounts",
        "bundleKey": "profile",
        "settingKey": "timezone",
        "accountUuid": "5681371f-4a6e-43bc-8bb5-9c9237fa9c58"
      "listValue": {
        "values": [
            "stringValue": "Europe/Berlin"

gRPC endpoints

Services can use gRPC endpoints of the ValueService to query and modify settings values. The gRPC endpoints require the same identifier attributes as described above, so for making a request to the ValueService you will have to make sure that the accountUuid of the authenticated user is available in your service at the time of the request.