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Embed Mode

The ownCloud Web can be consumed by another application in a stripped down version called “Embed mode”. This mode is supposed to be used in the context of selecting or sharing resources. If you’re looking for even more minimalistic approach, you can take a look at the File picker.

Getting started

To integrate ownCloud Web into your application, add an iframe element pointing to your ownCloud Web deployed instance with additional query parameter embed=true.

<iframe src="<web-url>?embed=true"></iframe>


To establish seamless cross-origin communication between the embedded instance and the parent application, our approach involves emitting events using the postMessage method. These events can be conveniently captured by utilizing the standard window.addEventListener('message', listener) pattern.

Target origin

By default, the postMessage method does not specify the targetOrigin parameter. However, it is recommended best practice to explicitly pass in the URI of the iframe origin (not the parent application). To enhance security, you can specify this value by modifying the config option options.embed.messagesOrigin.


To maintain uniformity and ease of handling, each event encapsulates the same structure within its payload: { name: string, data: any }.

Name Data Description
owncloud-embed:select Resource[] Gets emitted when user selects resources or location via the select action
owncloud-embed:share string[] Gets emitted when user selects resources and shares them via the “Share links” action
owncloud-embed:cancel null Gets emitted when user attempts to close the embedded instance via “Cancel” action


<iframe src="https://my-owncloud-web-instance?embed=true"></iframe>

  function selectEventHandler(event) {
    if (event.data?.name !== 'owncloud-embed:select') {

    const resources = event.data.data


  window.addEventListener('message', selectEventHandler)

Location picker

By default, the Embed mode allows users to select resources. In certain cases (e.g. uploading a file), this needs to be changed to allow selecting a location. This can be achieved by running the embed mode with additional parameter embed-target=location. With this parameter, resource selection is disabled and the selected resources array always includes the current folder as the only item.


<iframe src="https://my-owncloud-web-instance?embed=true&embed-target=location"></iframe>

  function selectEventHandler(event) {
    if (event.data?.name !== 'owncloud-embed:select') {

    const resources = event.data.data[0]


  window.addEventListener('message', selectEventHandler)

Delegate authentication

If you already have a valid access_token that can be used to call the API from within the Embed mode and do not want to force the user to authenticate again, you can delegate the authentication. Delegating authentication will disable internal login form in ownCloud Web and will instead use events to obtain the token and update it.


To allow authentication delegation, you need to set the config option options.embed.delegateAuthentication to true. This can be achieved via query parameter embed-delegate-authentication=true. Because we are using the postMessage method to communicate across different origins, it is best practice to verify that the event originated from a known origin and not from some malicious site. We highly recommend to allow this check in production environments. You can enable it by setting the config option options.embed.delegateAuthenticationOrigin via query parameter embed-delegate-authentication-origin=my-origin. The value of this parameter will be compared against the MessageEvent.origin value and if they do not match, the token will be rejected.


Opening Embed mode

As already mentioned, we’re using the postMessage method to allow communication between the Embed mode and the parent application. When the Embed mode is opened for the first time, the user gets redirected to the /web-oidc-callback page where a message with payload { name: 'owncloud-embed:request-token', data: undefined } is sent to request the access_token from the parent application. The parent application should set an event listener before opening the Embed mode and once received, it should send a message with payload { name: 'owncloud-embed:update-token', data: { access_token: '<bearer-token>' } }. Once the Embed mode receives this message, it will save the token in the application state and will automatically authenticate the user.

When passing the token in the message payload, use only the token itself without Bearer string as that will be added automatically in the Embed mode.
To save unnecessary duplication of messages with only different names, the name in the message payload above is exactly the same for both the initial authentication and subsequent token updates after renewal.

Updating the token

When authentication is delegated, the automatic renewal of the token inside of ownCloud Web is disabled. In order to update the token, a listener is created which awaits a message with payload { name: 'owncloud-embed:update-token', data: { access_token: '<bearer-token>' } }. The token will then be replaced inside of the Embed mode automatically.