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Upload processing

Uploads are handled by a dedicated service that uses TUS.io for resumable uploads. When all bytes have been transferred the upload is finalized by making the file available in file listings and for download.

The finalization may be asynchronous when mandatory workflow steps are involved.

Legacy PUT upload

%%{init: {"sequence": { "showSequenceNumbers":true, "messageFontFamily":"courier", "messageFontWeight":"normal", "messageFontSize":"11"}}}%%
%% font weight is a css bug: https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues/1976
%% edit this diagram by pasting it into eg. https://mermaid.live
    participant Client
    participant ocdav
    participant storageprovider
    participant dataprovider

    Client->>+ocdav: PUT /dav/spaces/{spaceid}/newfile.bin
    ocdav->>+storageprovider: InitiateFileUpload
    storageprovider-->>-ocdav: OK, Protocol simple, UploadEndpoint: /data, Token: {jwt}
    Note right of ocdav: The {jwt} contains the internal actual target, eg.:
http://localhost:9158/data/simple/91cc9882-db71-4b37-b694-a522850fcee1 ocdav->>+dataprovider: PUT /data
X-Reva-Transfer: {jwt} dataprovider-->>-ocdav: 201 Created ocdav-->>-Client: 201 Created

TUS upload

%%{init: {"sequence": { "showSequenceNumbers":true, "messageFontFamily":"courier", "messageFontWeight":"normal", "messageFontSize":"11"}}}%%
%% font weight is a css bug: https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues/1976
%% edit this diagram by pasting it into eg. https://mermaid.live
    participant Client
    participant ocdav
    participant storageprovider
    participant datagateway
    participant dataprovider

    Client->>+ocdav: POST /dav/spaces/{spaceid}
Upload-Metadata: {base64 encoded filename etc}
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0 ocdav->>+storageprovider: InitiateFileUpload storageprovider-->>-ocdav: OK, Protocol tus, UploadEndpoint: /data, Token: {jwt} Note right of ocdav: The {jwt} contains the internal actual target, eg.:
http://localhost:9158/data/tus/24d893f5-b942-4bc7-9fb0-28f49f980160 ocdav-->>-Client: 201 Created
Location: /data/{jwt}
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0 Client->>+datagateway: PATCH /data/{jwt}
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Offset: 0 Note over datagateway: unwrap the {jwt} target datagateway->>+dataprovider: PATCH /data/tus/24d893f5-b942-4bc7-9fb0-28f49f980160
X-Reva-Transfer: {jwt} Note over dataprovider: storage driver
handles request dataprovider-->>-datagateway: 204 No Content
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Offset: 363976 datagateway-->>-Client: 204 No Content
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Offset: 363976

TUS upload with async postprocessing

%%{init: {"sequence": { "showSequenceNumbers":true, "messageFontFamily":"courier", "messageFontWeight":"normal", "messageFontSize":"11"}}}%%
%% font weight is a css bug: https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues/1976
%% edit this diagram by pasting it into eg. https://mermaid.live
    participant Client
    participant ocdav
    participant storageprovider
    participant datagateway
    participant dataprovider
    participant nats

    Client->>+ocdav: POST /dav/spaces/{spaceid}
Upload-Metadata: {base64 encoded filename etc}
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0 ocdav->>+storageprovider: InitiateFileUpload storageprovider-->>-ocdav: OK, Protocol tus, UploadEndpoint: /data, Token: {jwt} Note right of ocdav: The {jwt} contains the internal actual target, eg.:
http://localhost:9158/data/tus/24d893f5-b942-4bc7-9fb0-28f49f980160 ocdav-->>-Client: 201 Created
Location: /data/{jwt}
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0 Client->>+datagateway: PATCH /data/{jwt}
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Offset: 0 Note over datagateway: unwrap the {jwt} target datagateway->>+dataprovider: PATCH /data/tus/24d893f5-b942-4bc7-9fb0-28f49f980160
X-Reva-Transfer: {jwt} Note over dataprovider: storage driver
handles request dataprovider-)nats: emit all-bytes-received event nats-)processing: all-bytes-received({uploadid}) event Note over dataprovider: TODO: A lot of time may pass here, we could use
the `Prefer: respond-async` header to return early
with a 202 Accepted status and a Location header
to a websocket endpoint alt success processing-)nats: emit processing-finished({uploadid}) event nats-)dataprovider: processing-finished({uploadid}) event dataprovider-->>-datagateway: 204 No Content
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Offset: 363976 datagateway-->>-Client: 204 No Content
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Offset: 363976 else failure activate dataprovider activate datagateway processing-)nats: emit processing-aborted({uploadid}) event nats-)dataprovider: processing-aborted({uploadid}) event Note over dataprovider: FIXME: What HTTP status code should we report?
422 Unprocessable Content is just a proposal, see
https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc9110.html#status.422 dataprovider-->>-datagateway: 422 Unprocessable Content
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Offset: 363976 datagateway-->>-Client: 422 Unprocessable Content
TUS-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Offset: 363976 end

Async TUS upload with postprocessing

This might be a TUS extension or a misunderstanding on our side of what tus can do for us. Clients should send a Prefer: respond-async header to allow the server to return early when postprocessing might take longer. The PATCH requests can then return status 202 Accepted and a Location header to a websocket that clients can use to track the processing / upload progress.

TODO there is a conflict with the TUS.io POST request with the creation extension, as that also returns a Location header which carries the upload URL. We would need another header to transport the websocket location. Maybe Websocket-Location or Progress-Location?