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Spaces API

The Spaces API is implementing a subset of the functionality of the MS Graph Drives resource.

Example Space

The JSON representation of a Drive, as handled by the Spaces API, looks like this:

  "driveAlias": "project/mars",
  "driveType": "project",
  "id": "storage-users-1$89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-01-24T21:19:26.417055+01:00",
  "name": "Mars",
  "owner": {
    "user": {
      "displayName": "",
      "id": "89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925"
  "quota": {
    "remaining": 999853685,
    "state": "normal",
    "total": 1000000000,
    "used": 146315
  "root": {
    "eTag": "\"910af0061161c42d8d1224df6c4a2527\"",
    "id": "storage-users-1$89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925",
    "permissions": [
        "grantedToIdentities": [
            "user": {
              "displayName": "Admin",
              "id": "some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000"
        "roles": [
    "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/storage-users-1$89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925"
  "special": [
      "eTag": "\"f97829324f63ce778095334cfeb0097b\"",
      "file": {
        "mimeType": "image/jpeg"
      "id": "storage-users-1$89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925!40171bea-3263-47a8-80ef-0ca20c37f45a",
      "lastModifiedDateTime": "2022-02-15T17:11:50.000000496+01:00",
      "name": "Mars_iStock-MR1805_20161221.jpeg",
      "size": 146250,
      "specialFolder": {
        "name": "image"
      "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/storage-users-1$89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925%2189ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925/.space/Mars_iStock-MR1805_20161221.jpeg"
      "eTag": "\"ff38b31d8f109a4fbb98ab34499a3379\"",
      "file": {
        "mimeType": "text/markdown"
      "id": "storage-users-1$89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925!e2167612-7578-46e2-8ed7-971481037bc1",
      "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-01-24T21:10:23.661841+01:00",
      "name": "readme.md",
      "size": 65,
      "specialFolder": {
        "name": "readme"
      "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/storage-users-1$89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925%2189ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925/.space/readme.md"
  "webUrl": "https://localhost:9200/f/storage-users-1$89ad5ad2-5fdb-4877-b8c9-601a9670b925"

Creating Spaces

Create a single space POST /drives

Create a new space with properties.

curl -L -X POST 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/drives/' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Name": "Marketing",
    "description": "Marketing team resources",
    "quota": {
        "total": 5368709120
  "description":"Marketing team resources",

Reading Spaces

GET https://ocis.url/graph/{version}/{me/}drives/?{query-parameters}
Component Description
{version} The version of the LibreGraph API used by the client.
{/me} The me component of the part is optional. If used, you only see spaces where the acting user is a regular member of.
{query-parameters} Optional parameters for the request to customize the response.

List all spaces GET /drives

Returns a list of all available spaces, even ones where the acting user is not a regular member of. You need elevated permissions to do list all spaces. If you don’t have the elevated permissions, the result is the same like GET /me/drives.

The ownCloud spaces concept draws a strict line between users which can work with the content of a space and others who have the permission to manage the space. A user which is able to manage quota and space metadata does not necessarily need to be able to access the content of a space.

Space Admin
There is a global user role “Space Admin” which grants users some global permissions to manage space quota and some space metadata. This Role enables the user also to disable, restore and delete spaces. He cannot manage space members.

Space Manager
The “Space Manager” is a user which is a regular member of a space because he has been invited. In addition to being part of a space the user can also manage the memberships of the space.

List My Spaces GET /me/drives

Returns a list of all spaces where the user is a regular member of.

curl -L -k -X GET 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/me/drives/'
    "value": [
            "driveAlias": "personal/admin",
            "driveType": "personal",
            "id": "storage-users-1$some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000",
            "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-01-17T21:37:17.692033183+01:00",
            "name": "Admin",
            "owner": {
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "",
                    "id": "some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000"
            "quota": {
                "remaining": 4497686528,
                "state": "normal",
                "total": 0,
                "used": 0
            "root": {
                "eTag": "\"4b65d2cbce79b2ecc45f876cc6e460d8\"",
                "id": "storage-users-1$some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000",
                "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/storage-users-1$some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000"
            "webUrl": "https://localhost:9200/f/storage-users-1$some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000"
            "driveAlias": "virtual/shares",
            "driveType": "virtual",
            "id": "a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668$a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668",
            "name": "Shares",
            "quota": {
                "remaining": 0,
                "state": "exceeded",
                "total": 0,
                "used": 0
            "root": {
                "eTag": "DECAFC00FEE",
                "id": "a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668$a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668",
                "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668$a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668"
            "webUrl": "https://localhost:9200/f/a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668$a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668"

List my spaces with filters GET /me/drives/$filter=<attribute> <comparison operator> <value>

Returns a list of all project spaces where the user is a regular member of. The filter query parameter supports the eq(equals) comparison operator. Possible filter attributes are:

Attribute Description
driveType The space type. Values could be project, personal, virtual, mountpoint
id The space id. The value needs to be a space ID

Example filters

curl -L -k -X GET 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/me/drives/$filter=driveType eq project'

This returns a list of spaces of type project.

curl -L -k -X GET 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/me/drives/$filter=driveType eq mountpoint'

This returns a list of spaces of type mountpoint.

curl -L -k -X GET 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/me/drives/$filter=id eq some-space-id'

This returns one space with the id from the filter if it exists.

List my spaces with ordering GET /me/drives/$orderby=<key> <order>

Returns a list of all spaces ordered by the specified key. Possible order keys are

key Description
name The space name
lastModifiedDateTime The last modified date and time of the space

Both sort orders are supported, asc (ascending) and desc (descending).

Ordering examples

curl -L -k -X GET 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/me/drives/$orderby=name asc'

This returns a list of spaces ordered by name ascending.

curl -L -k -X GET 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/me/drives/$orderby=lastModifiedDateTime desc'

This returns a list of spaces ordered by the last modified date starting with the latest one.

Modifying Spaces

Modify the properties of a space. You need elevated permissions to execute this request.

Set the space quota to 5GB PATCH /drives/{drive-id}

To limit the quota of a space you need to set the quota.total value. The API response will give back all actual quota properties.

  "quota": {
    "remaining": 5368709120,
    "state": "normal",
    "total": 5368709120,
    "used": 0
Attribute Description
remaining The remaining disk space in bytes. If the quota is not limited, this will show the total available disk space.
state The state of the space in regards to quota usage. This can be used for visual indicators. It can be normal(<75%), nearing(between 75% and 89%), critical(between 90% and 99%) and exceeded(100%).
total The space id. The value needs to be a space ID.
used The used disk space in bytes.
curl -L -k -X PATCH 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/drives/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "quota": {
        "total": 5368709120
    "description": "Marketing team resources",
    "driveAlias": "project/marketing",
    "driveType": "project",
    "id": "storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-01-18T17:13:48.385204589+01:00",
    "name": "Marketing",
    "owner": {
        "user": {
            "displayName": "",
            "id": "535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"
    "quota": {
        "remaining": 5368709120,
        "state": "normal",
        "total": 5368709120,
        "used": 0
    "root": {
        "eTag": "\"f91e56554fd9305db81a93778c0fae96\"",
        "id": "storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff",
        "permissions": [
                "grantedToIdentities": [
                        "user": {
                            "displayName": "Admin",
                            "id": "some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000"
                "roles": [
        "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"
    "webUrl": "https://localhost:9200/f/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"

Change the space name, subtitle and alias PATCH /drives/{drive-id}

You can change multiple space properties in one request as long as you submit a valid JSON body. Please be aware that some properties need different permissions.

curl -L -k -X PATCH 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/drives/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "Mars",
    "description": "Mission to mars",
    "driveAlias": "project/mission-to-mars"
    "description": "Mission to mars",
    "driveAlias": "project/mission-to-mars",
    "driveType": "project",
    "id": "storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-01-19T14:17:36.094283+01:00",
    "name": "Mars",
    "owner": {
        "user": {
            "displayName": "",
            "id": "535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"
    "quota": {
        "remaining": 15,
        "state": "normal",
        "total": 15,
        "used": 0
    "root": {
        "eTag": "\"f5fee4fdfeedd6f98956500779eee15e\"",
        "id": "storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff",
        "permissions": [
                "grantedToIdentities": [
                        "user": {
                            "displayName": "Admin",
                            "id": "some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000"
                "roles": [
        "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"
    "webUrl": "https://localhost:9200/f/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"

Disabling / Deleting Spaces

Disable a space DELETE /drives/{drive-id}

This operation will make the space content unavailable for all space members. No data will be deleted.

curl -L -k -X DELETE 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/drives/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff/'

This response has no body value.

A disabled space will appear in listings with a root.deleted.state=trashed property. The space description and the space image will not be readable anymore.

    "description": "Marketing team resources",
    "driveAlias": "project/marketing",
    "driveType": "project",
    "id": "storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-01-19T14:17:36.094283+01:00",
    "name": "Marketing",
    "owner": {
        "user": {
            "displayName": "",
            "id": "535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"
    "quota": {
        "total": 15
    "root": {
        "deleted": {
            "state": "trashed"
        "eTag": "\"f5fee4fdfeedd6f98956500779eee15e\"",
        "id": "storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff",
        "permissions": [
                "grantedToIdentities": [
                        "user": {
                            "displayName": "Admin",
                            "id": "some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000"
                "roles": [
        "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"
    "webUrl": "https://localhost:9200/f/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"

Restore a space PATCH /drives/{drive-id}

This operation will make the space content available again to all members. No content will be changed.

To restore a space, the Header Restore: T needs to be set.

curl -L -X PATCH 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/drives/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff/' \
-H 'Restore: T' \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '{}'
This request needs an empty body (–data-raw ‘{}’) to fulfil the standard libregraph specification even when the body is not needed.
    "description": "Marketing team resources",
    "driveAlias": "project/marketing",
    "driveType": "project",
    "id": "storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-01-19T14:17:36.094283+01:00",
    "name": "Marketing",
    "owner": {
        "user": {
            "displayName": "",
            "id": "535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"
    "quota": {
        "remaining": 15,
        "state": "normal",
        "total": 15,
        "used": 0
    "root": {
        "eTag": "\"f5fee4fdfeedd6f98956500779eee15e\"",
        "id": "storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff",
        "permissions": [
                "grantedToIdentities": [
                        "user": {
                            "displayName": "Admin",
                            "id": "some-admin-user-id-0000-000000000000"
                "roles": [
        "webDavUrl": "https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"
    "webUrl": "https://localhost:9200/f/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff"

Permanently delete a space DELETE /drives/{drive-id}

This operation will delete a space and all its data permanently. This is restricted to spaces which are already disabled.

To delete a space, the Header Purge: T needs to be set.

curl -L -X DELETE 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/drives/storage-users-1$535aa42d-a3c7-4329-9eba-5ef48fcaa3ff' \
-H 'Purge: T'
This request will delete a space and all its content permanently. This operation cannot be reverted.
This response has no body value.

The space to be deleted was not disabled before.

    "error": {
        "code": "invalidRequest",
        "innererror": {
            "date": "2023-01-24T19:57:19Z",
            "request-id": "f62af40f-bc18-475e-acd7-e9008d6bd326"
        "message": "error: bad request: can't purge enabled space"