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Left sidebar menu item extensions

One possible extension type is left sidebar menu items. Registered left sidebar menu items get rendered in the left sidebar, as long as there is more than one available.


To define a left sidebar menu item, you implement the SidebarNavExtension interface. It looks like this:

interface SidebarNavExtension {
    id: string
    type: 'sidebarNav'
    scopes?: ExtensionScope[]
    navItem: AppNavigationItem // Please check the AppNavigationItem section below

For id, type, and scopes, please see extension base section in top level docs.


The most important configuration options are:

  • icon - The icon to be displayed, can be picked from https://owncloud.design/#/Design%20Tokens/IconList
  • name - The text to be displayed
  • route - The string/route to navigate to, if the nav item should be a <router-link> (Mutually exclusive with handler)
  • handler - The action to perform upon click, if the nav item should be a <button> (Mutually exclusive with route)

Please check the AppNavigationItem type for a full list of configuration options.