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Focus Management

The File Picker development has been discontinued in favour of the Web Embed Mode.

File Picker comes only with partial focus management. If you want to focus an element, it needs to be achieved through a code in the consuming app.

Focusing content of File Picker

If you’re including File Picker as a web component, managing focus is slightly different from focusing content of any other component in the DOM tree. Since web component are living in shadow root, we need to send the focus into it. To focus e.g. a checkbox within the File Picker, you can use the following code.

document.querySelector('#file-picker').shadowRoot.querySelector('.oc-breadcrumb-list-item span[aria-current="page"]').focus()
The #file-picker selector is coming from the consuming app, not from File Picker.

Initial folder load focus

After opening a folder, we are focusing the last item of breadcrumbs. This is not the case when loading the first folder. Any following navigation into the first folder will focus the item. To enable focus on the first load as well, you need to set isInitialFocusEnabled prop to true.