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Create Share Flow

OCM Create Share Flow

    box Instance A
        participant osp as ocmsharesprovider
        participant gwa as Gateway A
        participant httpa as ocs
    actor usera as User A
    box Instance B
        participant httpb as ocmd
        participant gwb as Gateway B
        participant ocmc as OCMCore

    Note over usera: A shares a resource with B
    usera->>+httpa: CreateShare
        httpa->>+gwa: GetInfoByDomain
        Note left of gwa: GetInfoByDomain
(ocmproviderauthorizer) gwa-->>-httpa: return httpa->>+gwa: GetAcceptedUser Note left of gwa: GetAcceptedUser
(ocminvitemanager) gwa-->>-httpa: return httpa->>+gwa: CreateOCMShare gwa->>+osp: CreateOCMShare osp->>+gwa: Stat gwa-->>-osp: return Note left of osp: store share in repo osp->>+httpb: POST /shares httpb->>+gwb: IsProviderAllowed Note right of gwb: IsProviderAllowed
(ocmproviderauthorizer) gwb-->>-httpb: return httpb->>+gwb: GetUser Note right of gwb: GetUser
(userprovider) gwb-->>-httpb: return httpb->>+gwb: CreateOCMCoreShare gwb->>+ocmc: CreateOCMCoreShare Note right of ocmc: StoreReceivedShare ocmc-->>-gwb: return gwb-->>-httpb: return httpb-->>-osp: return osp-->>-gwa: return gwa-->>-httpa: return httpa->>+gwa: Stat Note left of gwa: Stat
(storageprovider) gwa-->>-httpa: return httpa-->>-usera: return