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The postprocessing service handles the coordination of asynchronous postprocessing steps.

Table of Contents

General Prerequisites

To use the postprocessing service, an event system needs to be configured for all services. By default, ocis ships with a preconfigured nats service.

Postprocessing Functionality

The storageprovider service (storage-users) can be configured to initiate asynchronous postprocessing by setting the OCIS_ASYNC_UPLOADS environment variable to true. If this is the case, postprocessing will get initiated after uploading a file and all bytes have been received.

The postprocessing service will then coordinate configured postprocessing steps like scanning the file for viruses. During postprocessing, the file will be in a processing state where only a limited set of actions are available. Note that this processing state excludes file accessibility by users.

When all postprocessing steps have completed successfully, the file will be made accessible for users.

Storing Postprocessing Data

The postprocessing service needs to store some metadata about uploads to be able to orchestrate post-processing. When running in single binary mode, the default in-memory implementation will be just fine. In distributed deployments it is recommended to use a persistent store, see below for more details.

The postprocessing service stores its metadata via the configured store in POSTPROCESSING_STORE. Possible stores are:

  • memory: Basic in-memory store and the default.
  • redis-sentinel: Stores data in a configured Redis Sentinel cluster.
  • nats-js-kv: Stores data using key-value-store feature of nats jetstream
  • noop: Stores nothing. Useful for testing. Not recommended in production environments.

Other store types may work but are not supported currently.

Note: The service can only be scaled if not using memory store and the stores are configured identically over all instances!

Note that if you have used one of the deprecated stores, you should reconfigure to one of the supported ones as the deprecated stores will be removed in a later version.

Store specific notes:

  • When using redis-sentinel, the Redis master to use is configured via e.g. OCIS_CACHE_STORE_NODES in the form of <sentinel-host>:<sentinel-port>/<redis-master> like
  • When using nats-js-kv it is recommended to set OCIS_CACHE_STORE_NODES to the same value as OCIS_EVENTS_ENDPOINT. That way the cache uses the same nats instance as the event bus.
  • When using the nats-js-kv store, it is possible to set OCIS_CACHE_DISABLE_PERSISTENCE to instruct nats to not persist cache data on disc.

Additional Prerequisites for the Postprocessing Service

When postprocessing has been enabled, configuring any postprocessing step will require the requested services to be enabled and pre-configured. For example, to use the virusscan step, one needs to have an enabled and configured antivirus service.

Postprocessing Steps

The postporcessing service is individually configurable. This is achieved by allowing a list of postprocessing steps that are processed in order of their appearance in the POSTPROCESSING_STEPS envvar. This envvar expects a comma separated list of steps that will be executed. Currently known steps to the system are virusscan and delay. Custom steps can be added but need an existing target for processing.

Virus Scanning

To enable virus scanning as a postprocessing step after uploading a file, the environment variable POSTPROCESSING_STEPS needs to contain the word virusscan at one location in the list of steps. As a result, each uploaded file gets virus scanned as part of the postprocessing steps. Note that the antivirus service is required to be enabled and configured for this to work.


Though this is for development purposes only and NOT RECOMMENDED on production systems, setting the environment variable POSTPROCESSING_DELAY to a duration not equal to zero will add a delay step with the configured amount of time. ocis will continue postprocessing the file after the configured delay. Use the environment variable POSTPROCESSING_STEPS and the keyword delay if you have multiple postprocessing steps and want to define their order. If POSTPROCESSING_DELAY is set but the keyword delay is not contained in POSTPROCESSING_STEPS, it will be processed as last postprocessing step without being listed there. In this case, a log entry will be written on service startup to notify the admin about that situation. That log entry can be avoided by adding the keyword delay to POSTPROCESSING_STEPS.

Custom Postprocessing Steps

By using the envvar POSTPROCESSING_STEPS, custom postprocessing steps can be added. Any word can be used as step name but be careful not to conflict with exising keywords like virusscan and delay. In addition, if a keyword is misspelled or the corresponding service does either not exist or does not follow the necessary event communication, the postprocessing service will wait forever getting the required response to proceed and does not continue any other processing.


For using custom postprocessing steps you need a custom service listening to the configured event system (see General Prerequisites)


When defining a custom postprocessing step (eg. "customstep"), the postprocessing service will eventually send an event during postprocessing. The event will be of type StartPostprocessingStep with its field StepToStart set to "customstep". When the service defined as custom step receives this event, it can safely execute its actions. The postprocessing service will wait until it has finished its work. The event contains further information (filename, executing user, size, …) and also requires tokens and URLs to download the file in case byte inspection is necessary.

Once the service defined as custom step has finished its work, it should send an event of type PostprocessingFinished via the configured events system back to the postprocessing service. This event needs to contain a FinishedStep field set to "customstep". It also must contain the outcome of the step, which can be one of the following:

  • delete: Abort postprocessing, delete the file.
  • abort: Abort postprocessing, keep the file.
  • retry: There was a problem that was most likely temporary and may be solved by trying again after some backoff duration. Retry runs automatically and is defined by the backoff behavior as described below.
  • continue: Continue postprocessing, this is the success case.

The backoff behavior as mentioned in the retry outcome can be configured using the POSTPROCESSING_RETRY_BACKOFF_DURATION and POSTPROCESSING_MAX_RETRIES environment variables. The backoff duration is calculated using the following formula after each failure: backoff_duration = POSTPROCESSING_RETRY_BACKOFF_DURATION * 2^(number of failures - 1). This means that the time between the next round grows exponentially limited by the number of retries. Steps that still don’t succeed after the maximum number of retries will be automatically moved to the abort state.

See the cs3 org for up-to-date information of reserved step names and event definitions.

CLI Commands

Resume Postprocessing


If not noted otherwise, commands with the restart option can also use the resume option. This changes behaviour slightly.

  • restart
    When restarting an upload, all steps for open items will be restarted, except if otherwise defined.
  • resume
    When resuming an upload, processing will continue unfinished items from their last completed step.

If post-processing fails in one step due to an unforeseen error, current uploads will not be resumed automatically. A system administrator can instead run CLI commands to resume the failed upload manually which is at minimum a two step process.

For details on the storage-users command see the Manage Unfinished Uploads documentation in the storage-users service documentation.

Depending if you want to restart/resume all or defined failed uploads, different commands are used.

  • First, list ongoing upload sessions to identify possibly failed ones.
    Note that there never can be a clear identification of a failed upload session due to various reasons causing them. You need to apply more critera like free space on disk, a failed service like antivirus etc. to declare an upload as failed.

    ocis storage-users uploads sessions
  • All failed uploads
    If you want to restart/resume all failed uploads, just rerun the command with the relevant flag. Note that this is the preferred command to handle failed processing steps:

    ocis storage-users uploads sessions --resume
  • Particular failed uploads
    Use the postprocessing command to resume defined failed uploads. For postprocessing steps, the default is to resume . Note that at the moment, resume is an alias for restart to keep old functionality. restart is subject of change and will most likely be removed in a later version.

    • Defined by ID
      If you want to resume only a specific upload, use the postprocessing resume command with the ID selected:

      ocis postprocessing resume -u <uploadID>
    • Defined by step
      Alternatively, instead of restarting one specific upload, a system admin can also resume all uploads that are currently in a specific step.

      ocis postprocessing resume                # Resumes all uploads where postprocessing is finished, but upload is not finished
      ocis postprocessing resume -s "finished"  # Equivalent to the above
      ocis postprocessing resume -s "virusscan" # Resume all uploads currently in virusscan step

Example Yaml Config

# Autogenerated
# Filename: postprocessing-config-example.yaml

  enabled: false
  type: ""
  endpoint: ""
  collector: ""
  level: ""
  pretty: false
  color: false
  file: ""
  token: ""
  pprof: false
  zpages: false
  store: nats-js-kv
  database: postprocessing
  table: ""
  ttl: 0s
  username: ""
  password: ""
    cluster: ocis-cluster
    tls_insecure: false
    tls_root_ca_certificate: ""
    enable_tls: false
    username: ""
    password: ""
  workers: 3
  steps: []
  delayprocessing: 0s
  retry_backoff_duration: 5s
  max_retries: 14

Environment Variables

Name Type Default Value Description
bool false Activates tracing.
string The type of tracing. Defaults to ‘’, which is the same as ‘jaeger’. Allowed tracing types are ‘jaeger’ and ’’ as of now.
string The endpoint of the tracing agent.
string The HTTP endpoint for sending spans directly to a collector, i.e. http://jaeger-collector:14268/api/traces. Only used if the tracing endpoint is unset.
string The log level. Valid values are: ‘panic’, ‘fatal’, ’error’, ‘warn’, ‘info’, ‘debug’, ’trace’.
bool false Activates pretty log output.
bool false Activates colorized log output.
string The path to the log file. Activates logging to this file if set.
POSTPROCESSING_DEBUG_ADDR string Bind address of the debug server, where metrics, health, config and debug endpoints will be exposed.
POSTPROCESSING_DEBUG_TOKEN string Token to secure the metrics endpoint.
POSTPROCESSING_DEBUG_PPROF bool false Enables pprof, which can be used for profiling.
POSTPROCESSING_DEBUG_ZPAGES bool false Enables zpages, which can be used for collecting and viewing in-memory traces.
string nats-js-kv The type of the store. Supported values are: ‘memory’, ‘redis-sentinel’, ’nats-js-kv’, ’noop’. See the text description for details.
[]string [] A list of nodes to access the configured store. This has no effect when ‘memory’ store is configured. Note that the behaviour how nodes are used is dependent on the library of the configured store. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details.
POSTPROCESSING_STORE_DATABASE string postprocessing The database name the configured store should use.
POSTPROCESSING_STORE_TABLE string The database table the store should use.
Duration 0s Time to live for events in the store. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details.
string The username to authenticate with the store. Only applies when store type ’nats-js-kv’ is configured.
string The password to authenticate with the store. Only applies when store type ’nats-js-kv’ is configured.
string The address of the event system. The event system is the message queuing service. It is used as message broker for the microservice architecture.
string ocis-cluster The clusterID of the event system. The event system is the message queuing service. It is used as message broker for the microservice architecture. Mandatory when using NATS as event system.
bool false Whether the ocis server should skip the client certificate verification during the TLS handshake.
string The root CA certificate used to validate the server’s TLS certificate. If provided POSTPROCESSING_EVENTS_TLS_INSECURE will be seen as false.
bool false Enable TLS for the connection to the events broker. The events broker is the ocis service which receives and delivers events between the services.
string The username to authenticate with the events broker. The events broker is the ocis service which receives and delivers events between the services.
string The password to authenticate with the events broker. The events broker is the ocis service which receives and delivers events between the services.
POSTPROCESSING_WORKERS int 3 The number of concurrent go routines that fetch events from the event queue.
POSTPROCESSING_STEPS []string [] A list of postprocessing steps processed in order of their appearance. Currently supported values by the system are: ‘virusscan’, ‘policies’ and ‘delay’. Custom steps are allowed. See the documentation for instructions. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details.
POSTPROCESSING_DELAY Duration 0s After uploading a file but before making it available for download, a delay step can be added. Intended for developing purposes only. If a duration is set but the keyword ‘delay’ is not explicitely added to ‘POSTPROCESSING_STEPS’, the delay step will be processed as last step. In such a case, a log entry will be written on service startup to remind the admin about that situation. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details.
POSTPROCESSING_RETRY_BACKOFF_DURATION Duration 5s The base for the exponential backoff duration before retrying a failed postprocessing step. See the Environment Variable Types description for more details.
POSTPROCESSING_MAX_RETRIES int 14 The maximum number of retries for a failed postprocessing step.