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GRPC Maximum Message Size

ocis is using grpc for inter-service communication. When having a folder with a lot of files (25.000+, the size does not matter) and doing a PROPFIND on that folder, the server will run into errors. This is because the grpc message body becomes to big. With introduction of the envvar OCIS_GRPC_MAX_RECEIVED_MESSAGE_SIZE, the max size for the grpc body can be raised.

NOTE: With a certain amount of files even raising the grpc message size will not suffice as the requests will run into network timeouts. Also generally the more files are in a folder, the longer it will take time to load.

It is recommended to use OCIS_GRPC_MAX_RECEIVED_MESSAGE_SIZE only temporary to copy files out of the folder (like via the web ui) and use the default value in general.