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oCIS provides an settings extension that other extensions can use to make settings accessible to users.

In case of the Hello extension administrator users are able to change the greeter message.

Settings are stored and presented to the user by the oCIS settings extension. It also exposes endpoints for registering and manipulating so called settings bundles.

The settings defined through settings bundles can be changed by authenticated users in ownCloud Web, if they have enough permissions to edit them. As a result, your service only has to register a settings bundle and permissions for it and oCIS settings takes care of everything else. Your service can simply use the settings values that were set by users.

In this chapter we want to show you how to register a settings bundle, the settings permissions and how to use the respective values that were set by users. We do this by customizing the greeter phrase from our greeter service in the Hello extension.

You can find the source code, especially how it’s integrated into the service, in the following files:

  • pkg/service/v0/service.go for the requests
  • pkg/command/server.go for the integration of registerSettingsBundles into the service start

Register a settings bundle and set the permissions

In order to register a settings bundle, you need to create a request message and then send it to the BundleService of oCIS settings through a gRPC call. The same applies for setting permissions on the setting bundles.

Create a bundle request

request := &settings.SaveBundleRequest{
  Bundle: &settings.Bundle{
    Id:          bundleIDGreeting,
    Name:        "greeting",
    DisplayName: "Greeting",
    Extension:   "ocis-hello",
    Type:        settings.Bundle_TYPE_DEFAULT,
    Resource: &settings.Resource{
      Type: settings.Resource_TYPE_SYSTEM,
    Settings: []*settings.Setting{
        Id:          settingIDGreeterPhrase,
        Name:        "phrase",
        DisplayName: "Phrase",
        Description: "Phrase for replies on the greet request",
        Resource: &settings.Resource{
          Type: settings.Resource_TYPE_SYSTEM,
        Value: &settings.Setting_StringValue{
          StringValue: &settings.String{
            Required:  true,
            Default:   "Hello",
            MaxLength: 15,

The request holds only one field, which is a SettingsBundle. It consists of an Identifier, a DisplayName and a list of Settings.

  • The Extension and the ID of the bundle are required and have to be alphanumeric (- and _ are allowed as well). The ID has to stay stable - if you change it, existing settings will not be migrated to the new identifier.
  • The DisplayName is required and may contain any UTF8 character. It will be shown in the settings user frontend in a generated form, so please try to be descriptive. You can change the DisplayName at any time.
  • Settings is the list of settings you want to make available with this settings bundle. In this example, there is only one setting defined - a string setting for the phrase our greeter uses in the response. You can explore more types of settings in the settings package. All of them come with their own characteristics and validations. For the phrase setting we decided to set it to Required, so that it can’t be empty, and to set a MaxLength of 15 characters, so that the phrase is not too long. The ID of the setting is again particularly important, as this is used for referencing the setting in other requests. It has to fulfill the same rules as the other ID attributes. Please also take the time to set a Description, in order to provide accessibility in the generated forms as good as possible.

Send bundle request to oCIS settings

This request message can be sent to the BundleService of oCIS settings like this:

settings := settings.NewBundleService("com.owncloud.api.settings", mclient.DefaultClient)
response, err := bundleService.SaveBundle(context.Background(), request)

We run this request on every start of the Hello extension so that the settings service always has the most recent version of the settings bundle.

Create a permission settings request

In order to grant admins access to the setting we need to create a AddSettingToBundleRequest.

permissionRequests := []*settings.AddSettingToBundleRequest{
    BundleId: ssvc.BundleUUIDRoleAdmin,
    Setting: &settings.Setting{
      Id: "d5f42c4b-e1b6-4b59-8eca-fc4b9e9f2320",
      Resource: &settings.Resource{
        Type: settings.Resource_TYPE_SETTING,
        Id:   settingIDGreeterPhrase,
      Name: "phrase-admin-read",
      Value: &settings.Setting_PermissionValue{
        PermissionValue: &settings.Permission{
          Operation:  settings.Permission_OPERATION_READWRITE,
          Constraint: settings.Permission_CONSTRAINT_OWN,

Send permission settings request

The AddSettingToBundleRequest then needs to be send to the settings service:

response, err := bundleService.AddSettingToBundle(context.Background(), permissionRequests[i])

Use settings value

We registered the greeter phrase setting for a reason: We want to allow authenticated administrator users to customize how users are greeted by the Hello extension. In order to do this, we need to ask oCIS settings on every request, what the greeter phrase of the authenticated user is.

Account UUID

The settings request has one important prerequisite: As our service is stateless, we need to know the account UUID of the authenticated user the incoming POST request to our greeter service is coming from. As that POST request is coming through oCIS proxy, there is an HTTP header x-access-token that holds a JWT with the account UUID in it. We just have to dismantle the JWT to get the UUID. There is a middleware for that in ocis-pkg. You can look up the server configuration for that middleware in pkg/server/http/server.go. In essence, it dismantles the x-access-token, extracts the account UUID and makes it available in the context.

It can be subsequently retrieved from the context like this:

accountID, ok := metadata.Get(ctx, middleware.AccountID)

Create request

With the account UUID we can build an Identifier for the request to oCIS settings as follows:

rq := settings.GetValueByUniqueIdentifiersRequest{
  AccountUuid: accountID,
  SettingId:   settingIDGreeterPhrase,

response, err := s.vsClient.GetValueByUniqueIdentifiers(context.Background(), &rq)

In order to get the setting we need to know which user (AccountUuid) is requesting the settings value and which setting he is requesting (SettingId).

Send request

This request message can be sent to the settings extension like this:

valueService := settings.NewValueService("com.owncloud.api.settings", mclient.DefaultClient)
response, err := valueService.GetSettingsValue(ctx, request)

The request gives us the default or customized greeting phrase, depending on wether it has already been changed by an administrator.


You have learned how to register settings bundles, how to get the account UUID of the authenticated user and how to query the settings service for settings values.