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Releasing ownCloud Web

ownCloud Web can be hosted standalone for a dedicated oCIS backend or bundled as part of oCIS.


We follow the Semantic Versioning scheme. Therefore, each change is of one of the possible types: Bugfix, Change, Enhancement, Security.

The highest type before a new release determines the version update number, so if it’s only Bugfix and Security changes the next release will be a PATCH version bump, if there’s at least one Enhancement within the changes this leads to a MINOR version bump, while Change type changes make for a new MAJOR release version.

Release Guide

Releasing a New Major Version

  1. Checkout the latest stable-$major branch
    This branch will be used as the base for the new major version branch.
    Replace $major with the last released major version.
  2. Create a new branch stable-$major.
    Replace $major with the new major version.
  3. Push the newly created stable-$major branch
  4. Create and checkout a new branch chore/bump-version-$major.$minor.$patch using the branch from previous step as base
    Replace $major, $minor and $patch with the new version.
  5. Cherry pick all required changes from master into the current branch
  6. Create a new sub-folder in the /changelog/ folder using the release version and current date mkdir $major.$minor.$patch_$YYYY-MM-DD
    Replace $major, $minor and $patch with the new version and $YYYY-MM-DD with the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  7. Move all changelog items from the /changelog/unreleased/ folder into the $major.$minor.$patch_$YYYY-MM-DD folder created in the previous step
  8. Run make l10n-pull to pull the translations
    This command will pull the latest translations from Transifex into the current branch and saves them in the /packages/*/l10n/ folders.
  9. Run make l10n-write to write the translations
    This command will use translations pulled in the previous step and writes them to the /packages/*/l10n/translations.json files.
  10. Run ./dev/scripts/bump_versions.sh $major.$minor.$patch.
    This script will bump the package.json files in all relevant packages and the sonar cloud project version
    Replace $major, $minor and $patch with the new version.
  11. Commit and push your changes.
  12. Create a PR with tag [full-ci] in the title at the beginning to merge the chore/bump-version-$major.$minor.$patch branch into the new stable-$major branch
  13. After merging, checkout the new stable-$major branch again
  14. Run ./dev/scripts/create_and_push_tags.sh
    This script will create and push tags for the main app as well as all packages that need to be released
  15. The GitHub release will be created automatically together with the release artifacts

Releasing a New Minor or Patch Version

  1. Checkout the latest stable-$major branch
    This branch will be used as the base for the bump version branch.
    Replace the $major with the last released major version.
  2. Create a new branch chore/bump-version-$major.$minor.$patch
    Replace $major, $minor and $patch with the new version.
  3. Cherry pick all required changes from master into the current branch
  4. Create a new sub-folder in the /changelog/ folder using the release version and current date mkdir $major.$minor.$patch_$YYYY-MM-DD
    Replace $major, $minor and $patch with the new version and $YYYY-MM-DD with the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  5. Move all changelog items from the /changelog/unreleased/ folder into the $major.$minor.$patch_$YYYY-MM-DD folder created in previous step
  6. Run make l10n-pull to pull the translations
    This command will pull the latest translations from Transifex into the current branch and saves them in the /packages/*/l10n/ folders.
  7. Run make l10n-write to write the translations
    This command will use translations pulled in previous step and writes them to the /packages/*/l10n/translations.json files.
  8. Run ./dev/scripts/bump_versions.sh $major.$minor.$patch.
    This script will bump the package.json files in all relevant packages and the sonar cloud project version
    Replace the $major, $minor and $patch with the new version.
  9. Commit and push your changes.
  10. Create a PR with tag [full-ci] in the title at the beginning to merge the chore/bump-version-$major.$minor.$patch branch into the latest stable-$major branch
  11. After merging, checkout the latest stable-$major branch again
  12. Run ./dev/scripts/create_and_push_tags.sh
    This script will create and push tags for the main app as well as all packages that need to be released
  13. The GitHub release will be created automatically together with the release artifacts

Backporting Bug/Security Fixes Into Older Versions

  1. Checkout the target stable-$major branch
    This branch will be used as the base for the new minor version branch.
    Replace $major with the target released major version.
  2. Create a new branch stable-$major.$minor.
    Replace the $major and $minor with the new version.
  3. Push the newly created stable-$major.$minor branch
  4. Create a new branch chore/bump-version-$major.$minor.$patch using the branch from previous step as base
    Replace the $major, $minor and $patch with the new version.
  5. Cherry pick all required changes from master into the current branch
  6. Create a new sub-folder in the /changelog/ folder using the release version and current date mkdir $major.$minor.$patch_$YYYY-MM-DD
    Replace the $major, $minor and $patch with the new version and $YYYY-MM-DD with the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  7. Move all changelog items from the /changelog/unreleased/ folder into the $major.$minor.$patch_$YYYY-MM-DD folder created in previous step
  8. Run make l10n-pull to pull the translations
    This command will pull the latest translations from Transifex into the current branch and saves them in the /packages/*/l10n/ folders.
  9. Run make l10n-write to write the translations
    This command will use translations pulled in previous step and writes them to the /packages/*/l10n/translations.json files.
  10. Run ./dev/scripts/bump_versions.sh $major.$minor.$patch.
    This script will bump the package.json files in all relevant packages and the sonar cloud project version
    Replace $major, $minor and $patch with the new version.
  11. Commit and push your changes.
  12. Create a PR with tag [full-ci] in the title at the beginning to merge the chore/bump-version-$major.$minor.$patch branch into the new stable-$major.$minor branch
  13. After merging, checkout the new stable-$major.$minor branch again
  14. Run ./dev/scripts/create_and_push_tags.sh
    This script will create and push tags for the main app as well as all packages that need to be released
  15. The GitHub release will be created automatically together with the release artifacts

Update Web in oCIS

  1. In the oCIS repository, checkout the master branch
  2. Create a new branch chore/bump-web-to-$major.$minor.$patch
    Replace $major, $minor and $patch with the released Web version.
  3. In .drone.env, update WEB_COMMITID to the commit id of the Web release tag
  4. In .drone.env, update WEB_BRANCH to the Web release stable branch
  5. In services/web/Makefile, update WEB_ASSETS_VERSION to the Web release version
  6. Add a new enhancement changelog item into the /changelog/unreleased/ folder with the changelog from the Web release and link to the GitHub release
  7. Commit and push your changes
  8. Create a PR with tag [full-ci] in the title at the beginning to merge the chore/bump-web-to-$major.$minor.$patch branch into the master branch