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Application menu item extensions

Extension Type AppMenuItem

This extension type allows apps to register links to internal or external pages within the application switcher menu on the top left.


The Interface for an AppMenuItemExtension looks like so:

interface AppMenuItemExtension {
  id: string
  type: 'appMenuItem'
  extensionPointIds?: string[]
  label: () => string
  color?: string
  handler?: () => void
  icon?: string
  path?: string
  priority?: number
  url?: string

For id, type, and extensionPointIds, please see extension base section in the top level docs.

A handler will result in a <button> element. This is necessary when an action should be performed when clicking the menu item (e.g. opening a file editor).

A path will result in an <a> element that links to an internal page via the vue router. That means the given path needs to exist within the application.

A url will result in an <a> element that links to an external page. External pages always open in a new tab or window.

At least one of these properties has to be provided when registering an extension. If you define more than one, the priority order is handler > path > url.

priority specifies the order of the menu items. 50 is a good number to start with, then go up/down based on where the item should be placed. Defaults to the highest possible number, so the item will most likely end up at the bottom of the list if you don’t specify a priority. Leave it empty if unsure what to pick.


The following example shows how an app creates an extension that registers an app menu item, linking to an internal page. All helper types and composables are being provided via the web-pkg package.

export default defineWebApplication({
  setup() {
    const { $gettext } = useGettext()
    const appId = 'my-cool-app'

    const menuItems = computed<AppMenuItemExtension[]>(() => [
        id: 'com.github.owncloud.web.my-cool-app.menu-item',
        type: 'appMenuItem',
        label: () => $gettext('My cool app'),
        path: urlJoin(appId),
        icon: 'star',
        color: '#0D856F',
        priority: 60

    return {
      appInfo: {
        name: $gettext('My cool app'),
        id: appId
      extensions: menuItems