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The LibreGraph API is a REST Api which is inspired by the Microsoft Graph API. It tries to stay compliant with the Microsoft Graph API and aims to be the Next Generation Api in Infinite Scale where we want to support most of the features of the platform. The API specification is available in the OpenApi 3 standard and there are generated client and server SDKs available. You can browse the API with the Swagger UI.

Calling the LibreGraph API

{HTTP method} https://ocis.url/graph/{version}/{resource}?{query-parameters}

The request component consists of:

Component Description
{HTTP method} The HTTP method which is used in the request.
{version} The version of the LibreGraph API used by the client.
{resource} The LibreGraph Resource which the client is referencing in the request.
{query-parameters} Optional parameters for the request to customize the response.

HTTP methods

Method Description
GET Read data from a resource.
POST Create a new resource.
PATCH Update an existing resource.
PUT Replace an existing resource.
DELETE Delete an existing resource.

The methods GET and DELETE need no request body. The methods POST, PATCH and PUT require a request body, normally in JSON format to provide the needed values.


Infinite Scale currently provides the version v1.0.


A resource could be an entity or a complex type and is usually defined by properties. Entities are always recognizable by an Id property. The URL contains the resource which you are interacting with e.g. /me/drives or /groups/{group-id}.

Each resource could possibly require different permissions. Usually you need permissions on a higher level for creating or updating an existing resource than for reading.

Query parameters

Query parameters can be OData system query options, or other strings that a method accepts to customize its response.

You can use optional OData system query options to include more or fewer properties than the default response, filter the response for items that match a custom query, or provide additional parameters for a method.

For example, adding the following filter parameter restricts the drives returned to only those with the driveType property of project.

GET https://ocis.url/graph/v1.0/drives?$filter=driveType eq 'project'

For more information about OData query options please check the API specification and the provided examples.


For development purposes the examples in the developer documentation use Basic Auth. It is disabled by default and should only be enabled by setting PROXY_ENABLE_BASIC_AUTH in the proxy for development or test instances.

To authenticate with a Bearer token or OpenID Connect access token replace the -u user:password Basic Auth option of curl with a -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' header. A <token> can be obtained by copying it from a request in the browser, although it will time out within minutes. To automatically refresh the OpenID Connect access token an ssh-agent like solution like oidc-agent should be used. The graph endpoints that support a preconfigured token can be found in the API specification
