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Users API

The Users API is implementing a subset of the functionality of the MS Graph User resource The JSON representation of a User handled by the Users API looks like this:

    "displayName": "Albert Einstein",
    "id": "4c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51",
    "mail": "einstein@example.org",
    "onPremisesSamAccountName": "einstein"

Our implementation currently supports only a limited set of Attributes of Users:

Attribute Description
displayName The full name of the user, usually a combination of given name and last name
mail The user’s email address
onPremisesSamAccountName The loginname/account name of the user
id An unique, stable readonly identifier for the user that stays the same for the whole lifetime of the User, usually a UUID
passwordProfile Contains the password of the users. This is only present when updating or creating users. It is never returned by the API

Reading users

GET /me

Returns the user object of the currently signed-in user


curl -k 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/me' -u user:password


    "displayName": "Albert Einstein",
    "id": "4c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51",
    "mail": "einstein@example.org",
    "onPremisesSamAccountName": "einstein"

GET /users

Returns a list of all users


curl -k 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/users' -u user:password


    "value": [
            "displayName": "Albert Einstein",
            "id": "4c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51",
            "mail": "einstein@example.org",
            "onPremisesSamAccountName": "einstein"
            "displayName": "Maurice Moss",
            "id": "058bff95-6708-4fe5-91e4-9ea3d377588b",
            "mail": "moss@example.org",
            "onPremisesSamAccountName": "moss"

GET /users?$expand=memberOf

Returns a list of all users


curl -k 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/users?$expand=memberOf' -u user:password


    "value": [
            "displayName": "Albert Einstein",
            "id": "4c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51",
            "mail": "einstein@example.org",
            "onPremisesSamAccountName": "einstein",
            "memberOf": [
                    "displayName": "users",
                    "id": "509a9dcd-bb37-4f4f-a01a-19dca27d9cfa"
                    "displayName": "sailing-lovers",
                    "id": "6040aa17-9c64-4fef-9bd0-77234d71bad0"
                    "displayName": "violin-haters",
                    "id": "dd58e5ec-842e-498b-8800-61f2ec6f911f"
                    "displayName": "physics-lovers",
                    "id": "262982c1-2362-4afa-bfdf-8cbfef64a06e"
            "displayName": "Maurice Moss",
            "id": "058bff95-6708-4fe5-91e4-9ea3d377588b",
            "mail": "moss@example.org",
            "onPremisesSamAccountName": "moss",
            "memberOf": [
                    "displayName": "users",
                    "id": "509a9dcd-bb37-4f4f-a01a-19dca27d9cfa"

GET /users/{userid or accountname}


curl -k 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/users/058bff95-6708-4fe5-91e4-9ea3d377588b' -u user:password


    "displayName": "Maurice Moss",
    "id": "058bff95-6708-4fe5-91e4-9ea3d377588b",
    "mail": "moss@example.org",
    "onPremisesSamAccountName": "moss"

GET /users/{userid or accountname}?$expand=memberOf


curl -k 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/users/058bff95-6708-4fe5-91e4-9ea3d377588b?$expand=memberOf' -u user:password


    "displayName": "Maurice Moss",
    "id": "058bff95-6708-4fe5-91e4-9ea3d377588b",
    "mail": "moss@example.org",
    "onPremisesSamAccountName": "moss",
            "memberOf": [
                    "displayName": "users",
                    "id": "509a9dcd-bb37-4f4f-a01a-19dca27d9cfa"

Creating / Updating Users

POST /users

Use this to create a new user.

Request Body

Note the missing "id" Attribute. It will be generated by the server:

    "displayName": "Example User",
    "mail": "example@example.org",
    "onPremisesSamAccountName": "example",
    "passwordProfile": {
    	"password": "ThePassword"

When successful, the response will return the new user, without the password, but including the newly allocated "id":

    "displayName":"Example User",

DELETE /users/{id}


curl -k --request DELETE 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/users/c067b139-c91c-4e47-8be6-669156a0587b' -u user:password

When successful the API returns no response body and the HTTP status code 204 (No Content)

PATCH /users/{id}

Updating attributes of a single user can be done with a patch request. The Request Body contains the new values of the attributes to be updated. E.g. to update the displayName Attribute:

 curl -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
         --request PATCH  --data '{"displayName": "Test User" }' \
	 'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/users/c54b0588-7157-4521-bb52-c1c8ca84ea71' -u user:password

Similar to creating a user via POST, the PATCH request will return the user object containing the new attribute values.

Change password

POST /me/changePassword

Users can change their own password by sending a POST request to /me/changePassword

Request Body
  "currentPassword": "current",
  "newPassword": "new"

When successful the API returns no response body and the HTTP status code 204 (No Content)

 curl -i -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --request POST  --data '{"currentPassword": "current", "newPassword": "new" }' \
      'https://localhost:9200/graph/v1.0/me/changePassword' -u user:current